Diorama necklace
Diorama necklace
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- Because here, we will give you the best price, we will deduct the fee that we have to pay to Etsy with the same quality.
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The river resin pendant is 100% handmade.
It is very lovely and suitable for dreamers.
For us, taking detailed photos from multiple angles and close-ups is respectful and transparent to online shoppers. There's no need to shoot far away to hide its flaws and weaknesses.
It simulates the landscape of a forest, where a river flows through surrounded by lush trees
I think anyone would be very happy to receive this piece of jewelry. Did you know these products are so unique? even if I do it over and over again, they will still be different and separate. Make this special for it.
This is a pre-order product, so please wait 3 days for delivery. I will deliver the goods urgently to ensure the goods can reach you as soon as possible.
Contact us when you have any great ideas. We want to make all of those ideas a reality (within my ability, of course).
****Particularly for US shipping, the shipping time after completing the order is 7-10 days.
(may be delayed on holidays)***
If you need the fastest shipping, select Upgrade shipping.
Contact us if you have any difficulty placing your order.
Best regards!
Enjoy your shopping!